Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What? A Blog? Oh, yeah, I have one

I've been sick for the last week. Good ol' sore throat, stuffy head, coughing, sneezing, ugh sick. My husband was very sweet and threw every kind of vitamin, including copious amounts of different brands of vitamin C, at me. While at the same time, downing as much as he could, himself. And now? Now he is sick. It amuses me that Mr.-I-Always-Take-My-Vitamins-And-Haven't-Been-Sick-Since-I-Was-15 who constantly hounds me to take vitamins so I'll stay healthy, is sick. Let me say that I do appreciate his concern for my health, and try to remember to take a vitamin every day or 2 weeks, or whenever I see them on the counter and can't remember the last time I took one. When that happens, I'll sometimes take 2 just for good measure. AND I'll also say that I am really sorry that I passed my cold onto my loving, attentive, caring husband. But just the smallest part of me, or maybe just a little bit more, finds humor in the situation.

Coming Soon: Pictures! Once I get a little more handy with my new camera and take some pictures of an exciting event (be forewarned, I have VERY low standards for "exciting"), I'll start incorporating photos of my spectacular life under the sun. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. So maybe I'll be able to type less.

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