Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Drowning in Forms

Ahhhh....now to the less glamorous side of getting married. Forms. Everywhere. IRS, SS, Driver's Licensing, Vehicle Licensing, Bank, Insurance, Post office...forms, forms, forms, Forms, FORMS!!

And they all need to be filled out in the right order, with the right color ink and submitted in the right way, at the right time. Otherwise the disgruntled, hates-his-job government worker will come and eat your eyeballs. Then laugh at your misery because making life difficult for the general public that needs his help is the only thing that makes him feel good. He's not nice, I tell you.

I have decided that I will never get divorced if for no other reason than I don't want to have to fill out all these forms again!! Oh, and Prince Charming (PC) can't die first either. I made sure he was aware of that. Because besides the traumatic and overwhelming grief that accompanies such a disaster, do you know what makes it worse? What is the terrible icing on the already terrible cake? FORMS!

I tell ya, we may have a great democracy that is of the people, by the people for the...blah, blah, blah, but Britian got the last laugh. Because even to revolt against them required a form! And I bet that if Thomas Jefferson had written it in blue or red ink instead of black, they would have returned it and charged him for refiling.

1 comment:

  1. If I ever get married, I will probably end up keeping my last name... Just because I would be to lazy to fill out all of those forms and submit them. If my husband really cares about it, then he can do it for me. =0)
